Wednesday 1 January 2014

New year, New start!

It's that time of year again where millions of people decide that the new year marks new changes in their lives. Whether it's to get a new hobby, lose weight, quit a bad habit, many of us make a decision to change something.

Looking back at 2013, I can't say it was the best year for me. I felt like I didn't really achieve anything great and I also had a couple of personal losses too. I'm not saying it was terrible by far, as I did have a lot of good times, but I want to make 2014 memorable for the right reasons and accomplish more.

I could be writing an endless list of resolutions, but I have narrowed it down to 5:

1) Live a healthier lifestyle

Probably the most common new years resolution for people is lose weight and get fit. I say this to myself nearly every year and I try a new diet that I can't stick to long term and feel depressed that I've failed. The difference for me this time is that I'm not going to try a fad diet, I'm just going to eat better. It sounds simple and it's something we all know, that eating right will help you lose weight and maintain it. I'm not the most unhealthy person, but I'm not the healthiest either. For me, I've started to look at things differently and to make lifestyle changes, you have to be committed and stick to it for the long haul. I do have weight to lose and I have a goal in mind, but I want to do it the right way this time and not try and "drop a stone in 2 weeks " or something silly like that. I will start by eating less calories to kick start the weight loss, but I won't be cutting out food, just cutting down on the amount of it I eat. If I  fancy some chocolate, I will have it, but just a small amount instead of a big bag of Malteasers. 

I've been into exercise for a long time, but unless your diet changes, the exercise only does so much. I've slacked in the last couple of months as I only been going to the gym twice a week and I stopped swimming, which was a mistake as it really made a difference. I have written out a exercise plan and it's quite intense, but this is for the initial weight loss, and I will cut it down once I've reached my goal and can maintain it. I have also just bought a yogalates DVD. I done a course of Pilates once and I really liked it. I have never done yoga before and I am hoping it will help me relax and also tone up. The DVD I bought was "yogalates for weight loss" by Louise Solomon, that claims is the healthy way to lose weight in 28 days.  It had really good reviews so I'm hoping it works (I will review this after the 28 day period). I will be doing this along with swimming, fitness classes, gym sessions and Insanity workouts (DVD). I have also noticed that my skin as taken a bit of dive lately too which is a bit depressing, but with exercise and eating right, hopefully I will notice a change quickly.

2) Get a colonic and regular detox

Ok so this isn't probably a popular choice and might sound a bit of a strange thing to say as a resolution, but I really want to get a colonic irrigation/hydrotherapy. Every now and again we all have a clear out of our wardrobes and get rid of the rubbish, so why not do the same with your body. The thought of it might make some peoples bum cheeks clench together with fear, and when I say I really want to get one, I don't mean I'm looking forward to having a tube poked around my back door. I'm definitely feeling the Christmas bulge and feel like a bloated lump and I think my body needs a complete cleanse. 

Colon cleansing is said to have many benefits, such as :
  • Increases energy
  • Increases the body's absorption of vitamins and nutrients
  • Kick-starts weight loss
  • Improves concentration
  • Improves whole-body well-being
  • Decreases risk of colon cancer
  • Strengthens the immune system
If I notice any significant chances, such as some of the things mentioned above (my immune system definitely needs improving, I'm currently starting the new year with a cold) then it's something I would make a regular thing (providing it's not too painful that is). I think a regular cleanse and detox is what our body needs after all the crap we fill it with. I might also look into doing some home cleanses, such as a juice detox.
(picture from google images)

3) Get a new hobby

There are lots of ideas floating in my head of things I would like to try, but at the top for a while has been to do a makeup course. I love makeup and beauty and I always wanted to do a course to improve my skills. Now seems to be the right time for me financially so as there's no time like the present, I booked my course for the end of the month. I'm doing "Introduction to Beauty Make-up" at the London College of Fashion and I'm really looking forward to it. My job couldn't be further afield from this, but I feel that you don't have to stick to one thing in life and if you have other passions and interests, then you should pursue them. I'm not saying its going to be a career change, but you never know what the future holds. 

4) Blog more

This is something that I am determined to stick to. Since starting my blog, I tried to post regularly, at least once a week, but sometimes that wasn't always the case. To be honest, there wasn't really an excuse for not doing it more often, I guess sometimes other things get in the way and when you're not feeling great about life, sometimes you let things slack. But I really want to make this work and I'm going to try and hardest to do more posts. If there are any particular posts you would like to see on here, let me know and I will try and do it.

5) Take care of myself

Looking after yourself is very important. You're responsible for taking care of yourself I think we all need time to do the things we enjoy and relax. The amount of times I've said to myself, "I really want to get a massage"  and haven't done it. Well now I'm actually going to do the things I talk about and do things for myself. Taking time out from work and life stresses to do something that makes you feel good or relaxing is something we all should do. Making yourself happy and making sure you are in good form will inevitably effect your mood and the people around you. Maybe it's taking up a new hobby, getting a manicure, anything that makes you feel good then do it; that's what I intend to do. 

So those are my new years resolutions and I'm determined to stick to them as 2014 is all about change for me. I also just wanted to thank all of you for taking the time to read my blog, it's very much appreciated. I was nervous about starting it, but knowing that people  are reading it and having the support has made me glad I started it. THANK YOU!!

What are you new years resolutions for 2014?
(picture from google images)

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