Thursday 23 May 2013

Lacura Moisturising Body Lotion by Aldi (For dry skin)

Like many, I can’t start my day without a full body moisturise. I’ve tried so many different creams over the years from Cocoa Butter to Nivea and I’m always looking for something new to try. I’ve always had sensitive so I have to be careful in the products I use, but I suddenly started to get very dry skin at one point, particularly on my arms with some lighter patches appearing out of no where. I tried all of the medicated creams such as E45 and Aqueous Cream, to which I was applying several times a day with no success. I was just about losing all hope until I came across this body lotion from Lacura by Aldi. My dad picked it up just by chance and I thought I might as well give it a go as I was running out of ideas. I have to admit, I was a bit sceptical at first, but my mum has always raved about Aldi products so I decided to give it a try. After about 4 days of using this cream my dry skin had completely gone and the patches had started to fade! I couldn’t believe how quickly it worked and just how effective it was.

The packing itself is quite similar to Nivea’s bottles, as well as the texture of their body creams, but for me, it worked a lot better. The cream is quite oily so I don’t use it on my face, but I’m sure you could if your skin is naturally dry. Instead I’ve started to use their face cream, which is also really good. This cream comes in three types, one for dry skin that I use, another for normal skin and one for Anti-Ageing. I really recommend giving this product a try if you’re having trouble finding a good cream. And the best thing about it, is it’s only £1.39 for a 500ml bottle! Bargain! So if you find it doesn’t work for you, then at least you haven’t spent a fortune.



  1. How to order lacura moisturising lotion on line?

    1. It appears Aldi and Amazon have stopped selling it. Unsure why

  2. Hi, where can I buy this cream please? It appears Aldi have stopped selling it

  3. Stupid I know need some myself have a little bit left. Cream is the best.
