Tuesday 4 March 2014

Focus T25 update

(image from google)
So a little while ago I posted about a new fitness programme that I was doing, Focus T25. As promised, I'm giving a quick update on my progress. After 5 weeks of Alpha phase 1, 5 days a week, so far I have been impressed with what I have achieved. 

Saturday is known as "Staturday", where you take all of your measurements and can see the progress you've made each week. Although in terms of weight I have only lost 2 lbs, the biggest change has been in my size. I have lost just over an inch around my hips and just under an inch around my waist, thighs and arms. For me, this is more important than what the scales say as I'm more focused on changing my shape physically and toning up and gaining more muscle, which we know weighs more than fat. 

I have just started Phase 2, Beta this week, where the intensity increases and focuses on sculpting lean muscle and I will also be using the resistance band for some of the workouts. I feel that my fitness has improved over the last 5 weeks as well and by the last week of phase 1, I managed to get through the workouts with a lot more ease. I can slowly see my shape changing and have even had a few compliments. So far so good!

 I'm not going to lie it is a commitment doing it 5 days a week, however it's only 25 minutes and the time does go by surprisingly quick and before you know it, its over; you just need to stay dedicated. After all, 25 minutes  of your entire day isn't exactly much, it's less than an episode of Eastenders! 
I hope the next phase produces even better results with the increased intensity and I will do an final full detailed review at the end.

Have you been doing Focus T25? What were your results?


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